[2024 Advanced fiber new material Science and Technology Innovation and high-quality development Forum held]
Release date:[2024/6/28] Is reading[33]次

From the comfort and health, safety protection, intelligent and functional consumer goods close to the people's livelihood, to the national defense science and industry, transportation, new energy, life and health, modern agriculture, biomedical and other key fields that affect the national economy and people's livelihood, advanced fiber and new materials are indispensable foundation and core, playing a pivotal role. They not only affect people's quality of life, but also provide a strong support for national development and security.

As a strategic and basic field of the modern industrial system, the development of advanced fiber new materials leads the innovation of products and processes, promotes the deepening and extension of product applications, and promotes the reconstruction and upgrading of the industrial system. So, in the new era of vigorously developing new quality productivity, how can advanced fiber new materials achieve technological revolution breakthroughs and iterative upgrades?

On June 7, experts and scholars in the field of fiber textiles gathered in the National Advanced Functional Fiber Innovation Center Research and development building, at the "2024 Advanced Fiber New Materials Science and Technology Innovation high-quality Development Forum", in-depth exchanges, wisdom collision, sharing insights, focusing on new fiber materials for the development of emerging industries, and discussing the implementation path and new models of win-win cooperation.

High-end leading: setting the tone of the industrial development road

Chen Yu, secretary of the Party Working Committee of Wujiang High-tech Zone and secretary of the Party Committee of Shengze Town, said in his speech that Shengze is based on promoting the independent and controllable positioning of the industry, creating a complete textile industry chain from "a drop of oil to a cloth" and "a wire to a brand", and constantly enhancing the global competitiveness of the industry. In this process, we pay particular attention to the development of new fiber materials. Centering on the direction of new fiber materials, we have built a full-chain service ecology supported by key laboratories, pilot bases, and national testing centers, opening up the whole chain path from technology and intellectual property analysis to basic application research and development, and then to product pilot mass production and industrialization. We will graft the achievements of scientific and technological innovation into more industries and enterprises, and accelerate the transformation of scientific and technological innovation "key variables" into new quality productivity "effective increment". In the future, Shengze will, as always, attach great importance to and fully support the development of new fiber materials industry, promote industrial renewal, and drive the overall rejuvenation of the textile industry with fiber material innovation.

Chen Qi, deputy governor of Wujiang District, said that Wujiang is at the forefront of the Yangtze River Delta integration development, comprehensively focusing on new industrialization, accelerating the gathering of innovative resources, promoting the construction of a strong socialist modern area, and constantly adding new advantages of high-quality development in the practice of national strategies. After years of cultivation, Wujiang has high-end textile, a new generation of information technology, high-end equipment, new materials four hundred billion level industry, new energy is accelerating to the fifth hundred billion level industry, private economic strength leading the country. She said that Wujiang will take this event as an opportunity to further focus on new quality productivity, constantly enhance service awareness, create a good development environment, provide a solid guarantee for the construction of manufacturing innovation centers, and continue to empower the development of new fiber materials industry.

Zhu Meifang, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and dean of the School of Materials Science and Engineering of Donghua University, pointed out in his speech that under the promotion of a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial change, China's fiber material industry is guided by high-quality development, and continues to enrich its connotation through multidisciplinary and multi-field integration and innovation such as nanotechnology, biotechnology, information technology and advanced manufacturing technology. Drive industrial transformation and upgrading. For the future technological development direction of new fiber materials, Zhu Meifang put forward three suggestions: First, we should give full play to the leading role of scientific and technological innovation, give play to the innovative and subversive characteristics of new materials, and strengthen scientific and technological innovation, key technologies, green elements and sustainable development. Second, we should continue to pay attention to the green and low-carbon development of technology, improve the attention of technology research and development in environmental protection, develop degradable and recyclable materials, and promote carbon emission reduction in the industry. Third, we should vigorously improve the digital intelligence of fiber materials, use industrial Internet, artificial intelligence and big data and other technologies to build a transparent and trusted digital platform to promote industrial upgrading and digital transformation.

Full of dry goods: Experts and scholars on technological innovation and industrial integration

Focusing on the three directions of high-end fiber materials, functional fiber new materials, and cutting-edge fiber new materials, experts and scholars in the field of fiber textiles have brought the cutting-edge scientific and technological achievements of universities and research institutes from the laboratory to the market, docking major research and development needs, deeply integrating technological innovation resources with the industry, and carrying out a wide range of technical exchanges and application discussions. With profound academic attainments and rich practical experience, they shared the latest research on advanced fiber new materials, and put forward constructive insights on the development trend and future prospects of the fiber textile modernization industry.

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